Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Plant based trial

Another birthday has come and I lamented over what to give myself this year. If you read my blog, you know that last year I went on a year long shopping ban. The ban forced me look at my spending, because of this I started to read more about becoming a minimalist. I was thinking of doing another year of the shopping ban, but I feel strongly that after this year I will never go back to the way I was before; therefore, I don't see the need. The one thing I've toyed with for several years is the idea of going vegetarian. I tried it about four years ago for three months which turned into a year. I slowly started adding back fish and seafood then chicken and it was over after that.

This time I am not going to eat any meat. I am going on a strictly plant based diet. I hate to use the word diet, so shall we say lifestyle? I was in the book store a few weeks before my birthday and ran across The Happy Vegan by Russell Simmons. I'd seen the cover on social media and decided to read it. The book has given me a different perspective about meat and dairy. As of November 1, I am a vegetarian. My goal is to transition to the vegan lifestyle by my next birthday.

I've been a vegetarian for  nine days as I write this blog and the transition has not been difficult at all. As of matter of fact, I look forward to trying new dishes each day.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Month Seven of My Year Long Shopping Ban

Where to begin? I started the shopping ban in November of 2015. A lot has changed in my life since causing me to veer off course, just a tad, but the changes are definitely for the better. It just shows that you never know where this life my take you.

As for as the ban goes, I have done okay. Let me explain (‘splain—AAVE). As far as the purchasing of clothes and shoes, that has not happened a great deal with the exception of a few allowances I made for homecoming (HC) because I knew this was going to be a special year with my line celebrating 20 years of sisterhood (GRho). The problem came when I had to order a few pieces for HC and my trip to Vegas (part of my approved allowances) then the flood gates opened and it was like I fed my addiction (The Beast was released). The way it happened was once I ordered those few pieces, I started receiving emails again about sales and then coupons started rolling in. I had to quickly remove my name from the list and not even peek to see the offer because I found myself placing items in my virtual basket and ready to press send. I had to unsubscribe from everything again. Whew! I must admit I did purchase a dress and jacket that were not for HC. There— I admitted it. It’s out! Aaaahhhh!

Now, I have purchased other clothing items, BUT I used gift cards from Christmas, my birthday, and Boss’ day. So, with those cards I did buy a pair of jeans, shoes, and one other thing I can’t remember right now. I actually still have one more gift card from Nordstrom that I need to spend. I will spend it soon, but I've had a hard time deciding what I want and it is a challenge for me to buy one thing and walk away. Is there a group for people like me? I need a support group. Oh, I did purchase a leather band watch as a gift to myself for getting a new job…that’s how it starts—I know. I started off so well, but I feel that was because I went "cold turkey" and didn't turn back. I can't unleash The Beast and think she will go quietly back into her cage.

I must admit I have to do better with eating out and trips to Starbucks. Let me just say, I have been in a town without a Starbucks for four years, so can I have a reprieve for a second? I moved a few months ago and in the process of relocating I had to eat out because my house was packed and I was living out of a suitcase for about a month while on the road to and from my new place of residence until we got settled. That is an exception, but now I am settled and must get back in the habit of cooking and taking my lunch to work.

With the move, I decided to go ahead purchase a few items I planned to purchase at the end of the ban that I was saving for like a new bed as well as pots and pans. Because I was saving and not spending I was able to purchase them with this move. Again, you never know how things will come together; I feel if I had not started this ban I would not have been prepared for the move and the amount of money it would cost to relocate.

The ban continues and I am back on track. It’s summer, I am settled in my new digs, and ready to end these last five months with a bang. This has truly become a life style change and I look forward to learning and growing through the process.

Thanks for reading

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Month One Shopping Ban: November 2015

Yay! One month down and only 11 more to go. Seriously, I'm not counting down.  I must admit for the first few Saturdays I was a bit antsy. Saturday mornings were my online shopping days. I'd lie in bed and just browse my favorite stores and see what deals I could find. So, Saturdays were tough initially. Now, I've decided to take that time to pray, journal, and meditate.

Other than Saturdays, my next test was over the Thanksgiving break. I traveled to Illinois to visit my second family. Usually, Rod and I will travel to the outlet mall and wreak havoc. On Wednesday, I went to the outlet mall with the family and walked in several stores and didn't really feel the urge to buy anything for myself. I did find one inexpensive "happy" for one of my aces and other than that I spent no money at the outlet. On Thursday night, Aunt Barbara and Rod decided they wanted to take part in the Black Friday sales that started on Thursday night. My plan was to stay in and sleep on that turkey and German Chocolate cake I devoured, but someone decided I needed to go and look for birthday and Christmas gifts. Since my shopping ban is only for myself and I am allowed to purchase gifts for others I went along. We went to two stores, Best Buy and JcPenney. In Best Buy, I bought Rod's birthday gift and nothing else. On Friday, we traveled to back to the outlet mall (again), Best Buy (again), Nordstrom Rack, DSW, and Walgreens. I spent $4 on Burt's Bees facial wipes and $10 on a cosmetic bag--both needs and on my approved list because I said I could purchase things when they ran out or were in need of being replaced.

Needless to say, I am proud of myself and I think I got on everyone's nerves because I tried to discourage them from spending as well. I kept asking is this a NEED? Take a minute to think if you really need this item?

I received so much support from the initial blog and even a few that are ready to take on the challenge in a small way. The last thing Kondo shared in The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing was to pass the book along and I did that. Again, when in Illinois my MIL asked that I download a copy of the book to her Kindle. There have been several encounters with persons that want to know more about the ban and are ready to declutter.

We have more than we need. Just ask yourself the next time you are ready to make a purchase..."Is this a need or a want?" I am working on this concept with...let's just call him Ray. So, Ray said he needed a new pair of black Cole Haan shoes. I asked, "Is a new black shoe a need or a want?" He quickly replied, "A need." So, I inquired further, "So you have no black shoes?" He took a second and said, "I do, but, I don't have a pair that lace up." What? "So, you have several pairs of black shoes, but because you don't have pair that lace up, you need another pair?" I will keep this story short and say I wore him down. Prior to my change in thinking I would have been right on board but it was an unnecessary purchase and the "sale" wasn't that great.

I will end with what Whitney Houston sang best, "I didn't know my own strength."

Thank you for reading

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Purging and Banning: The Start of a Year-long Shopping Ban

The Decision

It all started when I read the book, The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo. This book has truly changed my life.  In just a few days--three to be exact, I turn 41. For weeks, I've been mulling over in my mind what I want to do for myself this year. As you know, if you read my blog, on last year I wrote 40 letters in 40 days to 40 people that had an impact on my life in some way. The response I received was heart warming for myself as well as the recipients. In turning 41 in less than 3 days I have decided to become a minimalist thereby placing a ban on myself. Yes, I said it. I have an issue with shopping, let's be honest--I'm a shopaholic. My name is Tanisha and I'm a shopaholic. Raise your hand if you're with me...don't be shy. No judgements here.

In addition to the book by Kondo, I came across the blog--Blonde on a Budget. Her story gave me the idea to start a year-long shopping ban. I decided to start on my birthday. What better present to give myself than that of financial freedom and clarity. I am not in debt like Cait. I am able to pay all my bills at the end of each month and don't live above my means. However, I would like to strengthen my emergency fund and work towards paying off my car in three years.

I am not living an extravagant lifestyle, per se. I see it as simply consuming more than I need. There are stacks of books on my shelves I’ve never read, outfits in my closet I’ve only worn once or not at all, shoes I've never worn, bottles of unused nail polish, and what looks to be like life-long supply of pens (I have a slight obsession with fine writing instruments).

Being in my 40s means being more responsible with my money and taking care of my health. I am at a point of thinking about retirement and wanting to make certain I am doing all I can so when the time comes I am able to live comfortably. It is all about growth and in order to grow one must...CHANGE--my favorite six-letter word. In this blog I've talked about turning back to natural and being comfortable in my own skin. Well, now is the time to be who I know I was destined to be and I can't focus on that if I'm busy spending my time shopping and focused on material things. I don't want to keep wasting money on clutter that will fill my home, especially at the expense of my other life and financial goals.

This ban will definitely be a challenge, no question. But I have faced challenges before from fasting for 10 days to becoming a pescetarian for one year. It seems all my challenges have been about food...I love to eat. Shopping and food--you have me (you had me). I will focus on food in a later blog but just know it is coming


The first steps I have taken come from Kondo where I followed her guidelines for tidying. I took one weekend to follow her mantra of, "If it doesn't spark joy" then is must go. I went through clothes, shoes, purses, cosmetics, files and household items.  The only rule I didn't follow was the one around books. I couldn't bring myself to throw away books.

Here are my totals:
Clothes (includes purses and shoes) = 15 large garbage bags
Office/files = 3 large garbage bags
Cosmetics = 2 large garbage bags
Household items = 2 large garbage bags

My next community project will aid in my tidying books by creating Little Libraries across town. This endeavor will allow me to get rid of books all the while increasing literacy in my community.

After I finished the book I was so excited that I was sharing my journey with anyone that would listen. I even had Rod join me in tidying his closet. I looked up one day and he was going through his clothes. Knowing that I had inspired him to make changes had me doing summersaults (in my mind) around the house. The best part is he did it without my asking him to do so.

Before I could donate my items to local charities, Teri and Brandy decided to pay me a visit to take a few items off my hands. Below you will see pictures from their haul.

The Rules

The rules for the shopping ban are fairly simple. I am only allowed to shop for necessities, such as groceries, toiletries, basic cosmetics (but only after I run out), cleaning supplies, gift for others and a few items I identified before I started (I will share the approved shopping list later).  I am NOT allowed to shop for things like clothes, shoes, accessories, nail polish, books/magazines, notebooks, candles, household items, home decor or electronics.

Additionally, I added eating out because I currently eat out for lunch every day and about three times a week for dinner. I will allow myself to eat out for dinner on special occasions only (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.) I have created an "Approved Shopping List" for things I had planned or will be in need of before the ban is lifted. For my birthday, I am going to open a "shopping ban" account so I can save all the money I am not spending on eating out, shopping, and any items sold during my declutter.

Books may seem to be a tough deal for me as it would be for any bookworm, but in reality I won't have a hard time because unfortunately I have enough books on my shelves that I haven't read and some that I need to reread. I believe in rereading books because as you grow and mature you see things differently and learn something different. Not being allowed to purchase books will actually assuage my guilt of buying books knowing I have stacks already in line waiting on me.

Another catalyst for this change was a book I recently finished,  Find Me Unafraid: Love, Loss, and Hope in an African Slum by Kennedy Odede and Jessica Posner. After reading Kennedy's story and his perspective on life, unless you don't have an ounce of compassion, it is impossible not to be moved by this story. Reflection of my life was in order...What legacy will I leave? What is my purpose? What am I doing to give back to my community? How am I using my talents?

In the book Kennedy was appalled when he came to the States and saw the waste in our country. How can you not? Think about how much we take for granted. My goal at the end of this journey is to be not only more fiscally sound but a better person as well.

As always, thank you for reading and stay tuned.


Empty shoe boxes and more hangers

Piles of clothes 

Just a fraction of Teri's stack to try on

Another stack

Total haul = 3 bags

Peace out to my old stuff

Brandy and her haul= 4 bags

*I didn't get a picture of Rod's haul. I couldn't figure out how to sneak a picture without disrupting his flow.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

40 and Fabulous

On October 30, 2014, I officially turned the big 4-0.  In a previous blog I wrote about my 40 days to 40 countdown. There was one thing I planned to do that I didn't write about because I wanted it to be a surprise. To celebrate my birthday I wrote 40 letters in 40 days (well 40+ days--I got a little off track) to 40 people that have had an impact on my life. Writing these letters was one of the best presents I could have given myself. I was able to tell people that may or may not have known how much their presence in my life has meant. 

I once heard a minister talk about people entering your life for a season. We have difficulties in our lives when we allow people to remain in our lives beyond their season.  I have learned that everyone entered my life to teach me a lesson regardless of how long their season in my life may have been. Unfortunately, I may not have learned the lesson until long after they were gone, but you know what, that's called life and maturity. 

Throughout 2014 I took time to celebrate with all my 1974 crew. I hope you enjoy the pictorial that follows.

Twana got us started with a surprise celebration in March.

Twana and I

FHHS and Jim Hill c/o '92

In April, Baraka got it going with brunch for her 40th. 

Love the chicken and waffles!

Bubbles bar was awesome!

The old crew just missing Teri

Baraka and her hubster

In May, Teri had brunch and a surprise birthday party for her 40th.

Felt adventurous and tried this appetizer with Terrian

Pink and gold themed

Cute and delicious cake

Ladies in black posed for photo opt

Teri and Reign
In May we also celebrated with my boss for his 40th all white birthday bash.

T, T, and Bran

In August,  I celebrated with Chan at Underground 119.

Chan celebrating at work

Red velvet cake was fabulous

Celebrating at Underground 119

In October it was my turn to celebrate.

I started by sending out the following itinerary to my crew: 

October 4 Weekend Events
Friday—   Natchez High Football Game
Saturday— Shopping in Baton Rouge, LA with my Sissy
Sunday—   Church, Brunch, and Football

October 10 Weekend Events— JSU Homecoming Weekend
Friday— Noon to 3ish  Hang on the Yard
        3-5 pm Day parties
        6:00 pm dinner at Julep’s, Babalu or Sal n Mookies (any suggestions?) I thought it would           be nice to have a sit down and catch up but still go to party later if we want. 10 pm until             Alumni party at Marriott or wherever for those that want to keep the party going.

Saturday— Tailgate (I have few to crash)
        2 pm JSU v MVSU game 
        10ish Party!

Sunday— 1 pm Lunch/Brunch (if everyone isn’t too tired)

October 18 Weekend Events
Saturday— 1 pm Brunch with the ladies—Mint Restaurant—More deets to come just save the date.

October 24 Weekend Events
Friday—     Travel to Huntsville, AL
Saturday— Terrian’s 40 and Fly Fish Fry

October 30!!!!
Today is my 40th birthday! (I hope to take off work and relax)

October 31 Weekend Events
Friday— Natchez High School Football game (Gotta support my fav Coach)

Saturday— Viking Cooking Class Party 5-8 pm (Greenwood, MS)

Please let me know if you will attend any of the events but especially the cooking class, so I can send you the details and make certain to reserve enough spaces. Boys are allowed at the cooking class event :-)

I truly enjoyed the months events. My girls said they thought my birthday celebration would never end (they got jokes).  I truly enjoyed my birthday, as well as celebrating with everyone else. Here are a few pictures from each event.

No pictures from our sisters getaway. We were busy enjoying one another's company and didn't take any pictures. Sorry...kinda sorta, but not really. Sometimes you have to stop taking pictures to post and enjoy the moment. I find myself doing that more and more. Hmph...guess that's part of aging, too.

Here are a few homecoming pictures.

On the yard celebrating 65 years of Glamorous Rho

Tailgating with Tanisha, Erika, and Kiki

Caught up with Charita

Mean mugging at some party with my sissy

The entire crew for the night minus Brandy (she disappeared for a sec)
Back together again (I love these girls)
Look who we of our favorite guys, Mr. D. Reese
My birthday brunch pictures

I got Twana out to celebrate with me

Payton and Reign

Birthday girl

Brunching (I made up a word)

Payton and Mia

Tracee and Erika (my crew since '92)

And I got all my sisters with me

Boss ladies and one ninja (What is Teri doing?)

We released balloons in honor of breast cancer awareness while also releasing any baggage we are not taking into our forties.


We ended the day celebrating with Soror Glenda Gover

Our fuzzy selfie (Love my sisters/sorors)

Terrian's 40 and fly fish fry

We decided to surprise our favorite Delta by adding a splash of Pink and Green to her gathering

Celebration Time!
One Delta and Two K's (as Terrian would say)

Terrian treated me to see "Gone Girl" for my birthday.
I ended my birthday month by spending it at The Alluvian in Greenwood, MS. For years, I've wanted to visit and it did not disappoint. We will have to return again and try the spa.  For my birthday weekend, I had a private cooking class party and the menu was "Cajun Creole." We made gumbo, pickled shrimp, sweet potato biscuits, pork loin, and for desert there were pralines and ice cream. While cooking we nibbled on cheese and sipped on wine.

My cooking crew
The boys tried to hang with the ladies

Mastering the art of chopping veggies

I was fascinated with the potato masher 

Making sweet potato biscuits

Guys getting instructions

Gumbo brewing


Delicious and nutritious

On Sunday we left Greenwood and mister had a surprise gathering for me at Burgers and Blues in Jackson, MS. I was truly surprised and that rarely happens. A great end to my birthday month.

Birthday cake was phenomenal.


No need for wishing, I'm already blessed
My crew

Are we the same height now?

My sissy, soror, confidant

Wouldn't be complete without a Pay pic

Wait...there is one more thing. To celebrate everyone's birthday, we took a cruise in November to the Bahamas as the culminating event for our 40th.

Most of the gang hanging out before dinner

Hot mamas

Day before the cruise at our surprise 40th bday party

Teri dared me to get a true vacation color. This is definitely out of the box for me.

Selfie at dinner

What the world? 

Movie night on deck


Selfie at sunrise

That is much better

Brandy's surprise party for us in Florida before we left



Gobble! Gobble! Happy Turkey Day!

Love this chic!

Old ladies playing Bingo


Clemons on deck!

Luckiest chic I know! Winner, winner!

Pic with our fav animal in back 
How you on the phone at the party?

The Smiths

Just got off the road and ready to party

Needless to say I brought my 40th year in just the way I wanted, surrounded by family and friends! 

Thanks for reading!