Monday, August 29, 2011

Curse the cursor

Death to the blinking cursor
I know real writers say you must write everyday. I don't see how they do it if they don't feel inspired to write about anything. I've been wanting to write for quite some time, but the only thing I end up doing is watching the blinking cursor mock me. It taunts me in my dreams saying, "You don't have anything to share, girl." Well, I am going to prove Mr. Cursor wrong.

Natural attraction
What I have come to discover is that once you are comfortable in our own skin you will realize that it is infectious. I ran into a childhood friend recently and he asked the usual question, "What made you decide to go natural?" Well, I replied as I usually do when I'm asked that question by telling people I've gone back to natural seeing as natural is the way I was born. He went on to say how nice he thought the look was on me and he knew there were probably a lot more men hitting on me because he thinks most men find nothing more attractive than a natural woman. Hmph! Who knew?

Natural hair support
I've received so much support throughout this journey. One of my colleagues has a daughter that is natural and she ordered some Miss Jessie's samples for her hair, but she didn't like how the products reacted on her daughter's hair, so she brought me a bag full of sample products. Having those samples has afforded me the chance to try products I wouldn't have tried otherwise. She and I have talked about hair in the past and she has the desire but says, "I don't think I'd look right." I told her sometimes you have to take a leap of faith if it's something you want. Going back natural is one of those things you definitely shouldn't do until you are ready.

My support has come from family, friends, and strangers. One of my friends, Kellie, is so sweet and one my biggest fans. She jokingly says she wants me to put her name in my blog so she can say she knew me when. How can you feel insecure when you have this kind of support system in place? One of my other white friends doesn't want me to add her name because she feels that she asks crazy questions, when in actuality she doesn't. To me, that's how you learn and grow because I know I've asked her questions about her race that I didn't understand. You ask questions and don't make assumptions. I recently met her mother and her mother prefaced a statement to me with, "I hope I don't offend you, but I love your hair and you look like I'd imagine an African Queen would look." I didn't take offense, I took it as it was intended, as a compliment. Again, I may have some read this statement and take offense. To each its own. I won't go off on a tangent about we (all people) have become so hypersensitive. But just know I could write a blog about that topic.

Although my husband didn't say it aloud I know he had reservations about my cutting my hair off. One of my staple products quickly became Kinky Curly Leave-in Conditioner. I am about several hours from a Target, so I have to purchase products when I travel to an area that has a Target. Each time I went to Target they were out of conditioner. I talked about it so much, I guess, because my husband started stopping at various Targets unbeknownst to me in his travels as well. A few weeks ago he surprised me with four bottles of conditioner. How sweet... right? The conditioner showed that he not only supported my inner product junkie, but it was a simple gesture that let me know that he was there for me.

If you have followed my blogs you know I've watched YouTube videos, read blogs, books, articles, everything I could get my hands on about natural hair. The one thing I heard several times was to play up accessories and make-up so you don't feel masculine. I just started wearing earrings that dangle in the last year even before my natural journey. I am a stud girl through and through and always have been. When I say I was and am a plain Jane I am not exaggerating. As far as make-up was concerned, I wore lip gloss and eyeliner on occasion and that was about the extent of my make-up routine. So, when I big chopped I felt the need to wear larger earrings and apply make-up each day. This was very short lived. Don't get me wrong, I have continued to dabble in make-up and I do wear a bit of a dangle on the ear occasionally, but I don't over compensate because I don't feel masculine. If anything I feel more feminine now than I ever have. I strut, not walk; I am radiant, I don't flicker. I feel so regal each and every day I look in the mirror.

No make-up, no earrings, just me