Wednesday, February 15, 2012


My how time flies. I haven't written in a while both on this blog and in my journal. Unfortunately, I have allowed life to get in the way and that shouldn't happen so I have rededicated myself to write and read daily. Being a lover of words, I have said before and continue to say that I know there is power in writing and I can't just talk the talk, as my mom would say, I must walk the walk. There is something therapeutic for me about the physical act of taking pen to paper and allowing my innermost thoughts to flow. Scary.

Let's flow...Today is February 15, I am about to enter my ninth month as a naturalista. I have gone from a TWA to single strand twists and now I pretty much rock two strand twists and twist outs. The first time I wore a twist out was to my girl's anniversary party in December. I rocked it!
Anniversary girl and I
I've read about the versatility of natural hair, but I am one who has to do it for myself--I'm a hands-on learner (educational joke). Anywho, so now I'm thinking I'm bold and blazing new trails until it is time to rock my new hair to work. Key the music. Dum...dum...dum.. dum...dummmmm...

Nothing was said at work, not that I expected anyone to say anything. I guess that's the nature of the beast. I don't really know if that's good or bad it just is. I can say that on Tuesday when the students returned they loved it and I know they would have no reservations telling me if they thought otherwise.

I went back and read some of the blogs from other naturals dispelling the myths that natural hair is not professional. I am the ultimate professional, so I had to tell myself for the millionth time that I would not allow my hair to define me. I rock my twist out with a suit and heels, a skirt and boots, jogging pants and running shoes, jeans and loafers, you name, I rock it.

Rocking my twist out to my ninth graders championship game
My first attempt at doing my own twists out
