Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Happy Grateful Day

(Singing) It's been a long time, I shouldn't have left you without a strong word to keep you.

Hey, I kind of like that.Thanks Aaliyah! I took a few liberties with the words, but it has been a long time since I've shared a word or two. I know I'm corny.

By the time you read this it will be my birthday! Yaaaayyyyy! With everything that is going on around me in the world today I am thankful for each and every day that I am blessed to walk this earth. As a country, we have many days set aside as days of celebration from Labor Day to Thanksgiving Day. Regardless of your race, gender, religious affiliation (or not), we all take  time over the course of the year to celebrate someone past or present. We use that day to show an appreciation for things they have done or continue to do. I think my birthday should be heralded like these days. My birth is definitely a reason to celebrate.  Really, on my birthday, I don't celebrate myself, but my mother. Sounds a little crazy, but I didn't play a part in the process when I think about it...my mom and dad did all the work. LOL! Seriously though, I am grateful for the person I am and I owe that all to her.

My mother made you feel so loved and special on your birthday. I don't know if the radio stations still do this or not but when I was younger they would give birthday shout outs. My mom always listened to the gospel station, WOAD, so you would hear the deejay call your name first thing in the morning on the list of birthday shout outs. (Side note: I don't listen to the music radio stations anymore, just too much garbage. If I turn on the radio it is only to MPB/NPR.) This was one of her many traditions for  birthday celebrations.

She always woke you with a song, either a song she made up (my favorite kind) or an actual artist song; however, on this day, regardless of the song it was different.  I could hear the love in her voice as she sang whatever was the flavor of the day and through that song I heard how grateful she felt to have another day with me being a part of her life. How awesome is that? I find it difficult to really put into words how she made me feel.

From the onset of the day to the end,  she made certain you knew this was YOUR special day. Everyday with that woman was special and today I am grateful for her. She has ruined this day for everyone else in my life becasue none can compare. I have had some great birthdays but none have reached the number one spot held by my girl.
