Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Plant based trial

Another birthday has come and I lamented over what to give myself this year. If you read my blog, you know that last year I went on a year long shopping ban. The ban forced me look at my spending, because of this I started to read more about becoming a minimalist. I was thinking of doing another year of the shopping ban, but I feel strongly that after this year I will never go back to the way I was before; therefore, I don't see the need. The one thing I've toyed with for several years is the idea of going vegetarian. I tried it about four years ago for three months which turned into a year. I slowly started adding back fish and seafood then chicken and it was over after that.

This time I am not going to eat any meat. I am going on a strictly plant based diet. I hate to use the word diet, so shall we say lifestyle? I was in the book store a few weeks before my birthday and ran across The Happy Vegan by Russell Simmons. I'd seen the cover on social media and decided to read it. The book has given me a different perspective about meat and dairy. As of November 1, I am a vegetarian. My goal is to transition to the vegan lifestyle by my next birthday.

I've been a vegetarian for  nine days as I write this blog and the transition has not been difficult at all. As of matter of fact, I look forward to trying new dishes each day.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Month Seven of My Year Long Shopping Ban

Where to begin? I started the shopping ban in November of 2015. A lot has changed in my life since causing me to veer off course, just a tad, but the changes are definitely for the better. It just shows that you never know where this life my take you.

As for as the ban goes, I have done okay. Let me explain (‘splain—AAVE). As far as the purchasing of clothes and shoes, that has not happened a great deal with the exception of a few allowances I made for homecoming (HC) because I knew this was going to be a special year with my line celebrating 20 years of sisterhood (GRho). The problem came when I had to order a few pieces for HC and my trip to Vegas (part of my approved allowances) then the flood gates opened and it was like I fed my addiction (The Beast was released). The way it happened was once I ordered those few pieces, I started receiving emails again about sales and then coupons started rolling in. I had to quickly remove my name from the list and not even peek to see the offer because I found myself placing items in my virtual basket and ready to press send. I had to unsubscribe from everything again. Whew! I must admit I did purchase a dress and jacket that were not for HC. There— I admitted it. It’s out! Aaaahhhh!

Now, I have purchased other clothing items, BUT I used gift cards from Christmas, my birthday, and Boss’ day. So, with those cards I did buy a pair of jeans, shoes, and one other thing I can’t remember right now. I actually still have one more gift card from Nordstrom that I need to spend. I will spend it soon, but I've had a hard time deciding what I want and it is a challenge for me to buy one thing and walk away. Is there a group for people like me? I need a support group. Oh, I did purchase a leather band watch as a gift to myself for getting a new job…that’s how it starts—I know. I started off so well, but I feel that was because I went "cold turkey" and didn't turn back. I can't unleash The Beast and think she will go quietly back into her cage.

I must admit I have to do better with eating out and trips to Starbucks. Let me just say, I have been in a town without a Starbucks for four years, so can I have a reprieve for a second? I moved a few months ago and in the process of relocating I had to eat out because my house was packed and I was living out of a suitcase for about a month while on the road to and from my new place of residence until we got settled. That is an exception, but now I am settled and must get back in the habit of cooking and taking my lunch to work.

With the move, I decided to go ahead purchase a few items I planned to purchase at the end of the ban that I was saving for like a new bed as well as pots and pans. Because I was saving and not spending I was able to purchase them with this move. Again, you never know how things will come together; I feel if I had not started this ban I would not have been prepared for the move and the amount of money it would cost to relocate.

The ban continues and I am back on track. It’s summer, I am settled in my new digs, and ready to end these last five months with a bang. This has truly become a life style change and I look forward to learning and growing through the process.

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