Friday, June 17, 2016

Month Seven of My Year Long Shopping Ban

Where to begin? I started the shopping ban in November of 2015. A lot has changed in my life since causing me to veer off course, just a tad, but the changes are definitely for the better. It just shows that you never know where this life my take you.

As for as the ban goes, I have done okay. Let me explain (‘splain—AAVE). As far as the purchasing of clothes and shoes, that has not happened a great deal with the exception of a few allowances I made for homecoming (HC) because I knew this was going to be a special year with my line celebrating 20 years of sisterhood (GRho). The problem came when I had to order a few pieces for HC and my trip to Vegas (part of my approved allowances) then the flood gates opened and it was like I fed my addiction (The Beast was released). The way it happened was once I ordered those few pieces, I started receiving emails again about sales and then coupons started rolling in. I had to quickly remove my name from the list and not even peek to see the offer because I found myself placing items in my virtual basket and ready to press send. I had to unsubscribe from everything again. Whew! I must admit I did purchase a dress and jacket that were not for HC. There— I admitted it. It’s out! Aaaahhhh!

Now, I have purchased other clothing items, BUT I used gift cards from Christmas, my birthday, and Boss’ day. So, with those cards I did buy a pair of jeans, shoes, and one other thing I can’t remember right now. I actually still have one more gift card from Nordstrom that I need to spend. I will spend it soon, but I've had a hard time deciding what I want and it is a challenge for me to buy one thing and walk away. Is there a group for people like me? I need a support group. Oh, I did purchase a leather band watch as a gift to myself for getting a new job…that’s how it starts—I know. I started off so well, but I feel that was because I went "cold turkey" and didn't turn back. I can't unleash The Beast and think she will go quietly back into her cage.

I must admit I have to do better with eating out and trips to Starbucks. Let me just say, I have been in a town without a Starbucks for four years, so can I have a reprieve for a second? I moved a few months ago and in the process of relocating I had to eat out because my house was packed and I was living out of a suitcase for about a month while on the road to and from my new place of residence until we got settled. That is an exception, but now I am settled and must get back in the habit of cooking and taking my lunch to work.

With the move, I decided to go ahead purchase a few items I planned to purchase at the end of the ban that I was saving for like a new bed as well as pots and pans. Because I was saving and not spending I was able to purchase them with this move. Again, you never know how things will come together; I feel if I had not started this ban I would not have been prepared for the move and the amount of money it would cost to relocate.

The ban continues and I am back on track. It’s summer, I am settled in my new digs, and ready to end these last five months with a bang. This has truly become a life style change and I look forward to learning and growing through the process.

Thanks for reading