Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Plant based trial

Another birthday has come and I lamented over what to give myself this year. If you read my blog, you know that last year I went on a year long shopping ban. The ban forced me look at my spending, because of this I started to read more about becoming a minimalist. I was thinking of doing another year of the shopping ban, but I feel strongly that after this year I will never go back to the way I was before; therefore, I don't see the need. The one thing I've toyed with for several years is the idea of going vegetarian. I tried it about four years ago for three months which turned into a year. I slowly started adding back fish and seafood then chicken and it was over after that.

This time I am not going to eat any meat. I am going on a strictly plant based diet. I hate to use the word diet, so shall we say lifestyle? I was in the book store a few weeks before my birthday and ran across The Happy Vegan by Russell Simmons. I'd seen the cover on social media and decided to read it. The book has given me a different perspective about meat and dairy. As of November 1, I am a vegetarian. My goal is to transition to the vegan lifestyle by my next birthday.

I've been a vegetarian for  nine days as I write this blog and the transition has not been difficult at all. As of matter of fact, I look forward to trying new dishes each day.