Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Decision

Let me start by saying this is my first attempt at blogging. I somehow feel compelled to share my thoughts with others so here goes. Growing up I never recall having insecurities or ill feelings about my hair but these feelings have definitely changed over the years. The main reason being that my hair was once thick and full of body. Now, it is thin and lifeless. I am what one would call a "Plain Jane." I didn't decide to try make-up until my thirties. As far as styling my hair, I am slow to change having worn a wrap throughout high school and most of my college years. Halle Berry had an impact on me, and I made the big chop around my junior year of undergraduate school. For years to come, I just switched between letting it grow and cutting in back off. Considering the various ways black women can style their hair one would think I would have tried to switch it up a bit but nah, I kept it simple.

Giving a little insight into my background will help one understand how profound it is for me to decide to go natural. This idea has been tugging at me for a few years. My first tug was when I read the book Nappily Ever After. I even got a little tug from the children's book Nappy Hair not to mention the infamous incident between Don Imus and the Rutgers ladies basketball team. The biggest tug was after viewing Chris Rock's documentary Good Hair and realizing that I was one of those women spending thousands of dollars to straighten my hair. Additionally, I have two nieces one with natural hair and one with a relaxer. I try to instill in them that we (women of color) are beautiful and come in various sizes, shapes, colors, textures, you name it. I want them to be proud of who they are and how they look and this isn't an easy task with how the media tends to portray beauty. Little black girls don't have the opportunity to see themselves plastered across various magazine covers or walking the runway.

So, I am beginning this journey not only for myself, but for those two girls that I adore with all my heart. I  know this transition will not be easy and I will have to rally the support of my family and friends to get me through. It is sad, but I realize that going natural will be a difficult process because I am addicted to the "creamy crack." I have always believed in the power of words both the verbal and written word. Writing things really solidifies things for me. I have written prayers, poems, life lessons, goals, short stories, and my proudest piece of work to date-- my dissertation. So, I believe the best way to embrace this new beginning of returning my hair to its natural state is through writing.

Let the journey begin...


  1. Giving up the "creamy crack" won't be easy, but you will be even more beautiful than you are now. What a great role model for your nieces and other.

  2. Awww Nish.

    This blogger is one of my bestest buds. We have struggled with the decision of getting off the creamy crack together but her strength has surpassed mine at this point. Im a dark skinned sista with longer hair and im addicted to the crack overall. I try to stretch out my perms and have even gone for several months without.

    Then there is the breakage which made me pause and cutting it all off wellll.... Additionally, I saw the attention needed for going natural (for me) seemed to need more attention than a perm and all the product needed, to boot. I believe in pampering my skin and my hair. Im big on healthy hair, condintioning treatments and keeping a good that from my mamma. She constantly used home remedies on my natural hair such as mayonnaise (cant stand the smell to this day), olive oil etc. She refused to perm my hair. Then the curl came out and I begged and begged. My hair fell out and the rest was cream crack history lol.

    Honestly, I dont feel as if my hair defines me but society pays lots of attention to it. I have several friends who are natural. Some stood the test of time and some fell back to the crack. Some have "good hair" natually and others more kinky hair and each have their reasons for doing what they do.

    I know, excuses excuses. In the end I say, be comfortable in the skin that your in and yes, encourage all children, with their various hues of skin and all hair types and textures to love the skin and hair that they are in!
