Thursday, June 2, 2011

Life After Braids

Day before yesterday I started the process of taking down my braids. I have never worn braids before and heard horror stories about the removal of braids in reference to the tedious  process in addition to possible breakage. Sadly, I experienced both. I am thankful to have a husband that was willing to help. I completed the process on last night and as my natural hair was revealed bit by bit I slowly started thinking...what have I done?

My hair looked like Don King. I could barely get water to the roots and let's not talk about tangles and knots. I applied leave-in conditioner and coconut oil to soften my hair to hopefully make it somewhat manageable. I started trying to comb it in sections, but gave up hope. I wrapped my hair in a silk scarf and called it a night. So, I am in a state of sheer panic and I must admit feeling a bit vulnerable.  

I wish I had the summer months off and could transition in isolation. Having to transition in front of peers and answer questions is the worst. Today, as you can see in my picture, is a hat day. I had a conversation with my husband last night and he reminded me of things I knew, but I guess forgot once my transition became a reality. I was reminded that I have read and researched everything about natural hair and didn't make this decision on a whim. I thought hard and prayed hard before making the choice to go natural. And it's just choice. This is definitely an experience that will make me stronger and more confident in the inner workings of me.

I have a hair appointment today with my regular stylist and I'm not sure what will come from this visit. So...this story is to be continued after my 4 o'clock. I solicit your prayers.


Transitioning with braids

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