Sunday, September 21, 2014

40 days to 40 countdown begins

The countdown to 40 begins today...

     Today, September 21, the countdown begins. I have 40 days until I turn 40 years of age. Time waits for no one. I have never been one to get depressed about growing older and I attribute that to the death of my parents. Both of my parents passed before they reached the age of 45, so I never take another year to get it right for granted.

     Side note: Do you know the song September by Earth, Wind, and Fire? I find myself singing the first line..."Do you remember the 21st night of September?" I even have a theme song for my countdown.

     September 21 is the last day of summer and we officially transition to fall. I find it serendipitous that this transition occurs as I begin my transition. I must admit I almost got caught up in the turning 40 hoopla that one must throw this elaborate celebration with all the bells and whistles. I started planning one such celebration in this grandiose fashion but then I started reflecting and decided against such a thing. In all honesty, I can't tell you the last time I had a birthday party but I would guess to say it was around elementary school.

     The idea that I should be vying for a party with free-flowing liquor, dressed to impress and on a mission to get inebriated holds zero appeal for me. I can find better things to do with my money (shoe shopping for starters). I know this is a milestone moment, a marker in my adulthood, a time to reflect on my achievements and my future goals, but for some reason, that type of celebration just doesn't match one actually transitioning into adulthood with deep reflection. Don't get it twisted, it's not that I don't love a good glass of wine and an opportunity to listen to old school music that will allow me a chance to dance until I break a sweat (Remember that line in Waiting to Exhale?), rather  I want my 40th celebration to reflect where I am today. And all of that listed above is not even an iota of my life or who I am. That is a caricature of a woman turning 40 and not representative of me.

     I am one who enjoys quiet evenings at home reading a good book or watching Oprah's Master Class, Oprah's Lifeclass, Golden Girls and The Cosby Show reruns, or hanging with friends and playing Phase 10. I like organizing things and online shopping. Nothing about my life screams, "Where the party at?" So, I don't feel the need to do so now. Isn't that what turning 40 is all about? Being able to come into your own and doing things your way with no apologies. My circle of friends is small and I would rather have an intimate celebration with those that know the Tanisha of today, not the one from high school or college. It is difficult with everyone being busy with life that my friends and I find time to just enjoy the company of one another without interruptions or time constraints, so that's my birthday plan, four weekends during month of October filled with small celebrations surrounded by people that mean the world to me. I also plan to take time each day to celebrate 40 people that have had a major impact on my life. Let the countdown begin...

To be continued...



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