Saturday, July 26, 2014

Living Among Giants

The title says it all. I will speak of myself, but my hope is that you will relate. I know that I live in a world among giants. This is nothing new, but often I read things that aid in clarifying an idea for me. I just finished reading David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell and this book has helped to put words for what I already knew.

I realized that just because I am David doesn't mean I can't conquer my Goliath's in this world. The biggest giants I face are at work. If you are in the field of education you are David, no doubt about it. If you know the story, you know that David, despite his size, beat Goliath much to everyone's surprise. It doesn't matter your job title or the number of degrees you have, we all face giants. Currently, I am faced with several giants, but I am slaying them one at a time. It amazes me that education is one of those fields where everyone outside the field of educations knows more than the educators charged to make the decisions. Just because everyone went to school doesn't mean you know how to run one effectively. Times change and just because it worked when you were in school my questions is, "Do you really think those same practices will work in 2014?" Look at this new generation of students, technology, accountability, testing, you name it. Our society has changed tremendously.

We (educators) are charged with the biggest responsibility and that is to educate our young people. There is no room for favors or politics. Are we doing what is best for children or what is best for adults? Too often we make decisions based on what's best for adults. How backwards is that? Does it make sense? It doesn't, yet there are those that continue this practice and want everyone else to follow this same path as well.

I am passionate about what I do, and I will continue to be an advocate for our children that are often an afterthought. It is unfortunate that because I believe in putting children first I have to fight daily just to do what is right.

My minister has said that sometimes you have to go through storms to increase your faith and I believe that because I am definitely in the midst of a storm, but I am holding steadfast in knowing that I will come through this storm stronger and victorious. Often we are held back because of obstacles in our paths, but I know that God has given me the potential to overcome any obstacle, so I will continue to put in the work and reap the rewards in due time.


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