Saturday, July 26, 2014


   I wrote this on 12/29/13 (late post).
     Exercising is bad for your health. That's my story and I have the scars to prove it. Kidding about the health, but not about the scars.

     On the road to becoming a healthier me, I started getting up each morning at 5 am to go walking/jogging. Tuesday morning, August 20, I didn't want to get up and contemplated not going except I knew the next day I had to attend a meeting out of town and wouldn't be able to run so because I didn't want to miss two consecutive days I forced myself to get up. You know how they say hind sight is 20/20, well I wish I had followed my first mind and stayed in bed.

     My run started like any other day, the weather was actually cooler. We passed the two little old ladies on their routine morning walk and as I was finishing my first lap I looked to the right for Mr. Owl that I call "Old Man Owl" because I swear he sounds more like an old man than an owl and then it happened. I tripped over the reflector in the road and went sprawling on the concrete face first. Ouch! First, I was in shock. My husband turned around and helped me up and I hobbled home. Luckily, we were only two houses away. I could feel the blood running down my leg and my chin was stinging. I entered the house and sat in the chair as Rod ran to the back of the house for the first aid kit. He flipped on the light on his way to the back of the house. I look down to see the damage and I screamed, "ROD, THERE'S A HOLE IN MY KNEE!" He was so freaking calm that it was unreal. Once I saw the hole I grabbed the garbage can and threw up. I don't have a weak stomach, but something about seeing a hole on my body where there shouldn't be one did something to me. Ugh! Needless to say after this we got in the car and headed to the hospital. Little did I know this was my first mistake. Yes, first. The accident was bad but going to the hospital in Natchez was worse.

Picture taken at hospital

     I didn't know until after I kept having issues with my leg that I shouldn't have gone to the hospital. Everyone I encountered said, "I never go the hospital in Natchez" or "I don't see any doctors in Natchez." Really? Who knew? Hospital, emergency at 5:15 am ummmm...what was I thinking? Well, the ER doctor did an X-ray but I later found out that he didn't clean my leg and he shouldn't have stitched it they way he did. I found this out three doctors and one nurse practitioner later.
     My issues were endless and I won't bore you but I will share the graphic pictures and you will understand. To put this in perspective for you, I ended up having two different pain medicines, two different shots of antibiotics, t, a tetanus shot, and two creams. I feared an infection and I did end up with a low grade staph infection.

I can tell this story better with pictures, but just know that they are a bit gross. You will see pictures on the progression of my knee. One picture you can clearly see the stitches that were left in my knee by the E.R. doctor. After my initial fall and stitches the E.R. doctor said I could come back to them and have the stitches removed. Since I didn't have a doctor in my area I decided to return to the hospital in ten days as advised to have them removed. The removal was painful and he didn't even clean it. He just cut them out and sent me packing. Really?!? Needless to say once the guck cleared out you can clearly see where several stitches were left in my knee. I went to a nurse practitioner next and she found three stitches that were left in my knee.
About a month later
Okay so the hole got progressively worse before it got better.

Day 1 (with stitches)

One week later

Sorry for the pictures being our of order but for some reason they didn't want to cooperate. The main thing you see is how much I went through with this knee. I won't share the amount of money I spent on doctors and finally having to travel two hours away to Jackson to have a new doctor (and final one) aid in the healing process. I will end by saying I fought with the pavement and the pavement won.


1 comment:

  1. Well I'm glad to see you are doing better. See that's what happens when you try to be grown and get healthy..just kidding but I think you should do something low impact like water aerobics. ..we getting too old to recover from this kind of injury...but thankfully it's was kind of gross! Love ya..smooches., Angel
